Friday, September 20, 2024


30 detainees released in Falluja

ANBAR / Thirty detainees in the Falluja police department were released on Saturday after proved not involved in charges pressed against them, a police source in the city said. “The detainees were released upon the orders of the investigating prosecutor after they were not found involved in charges pressed against them,” the source told news agency. Falluja, which lies 45 km west of the Iraqi capital Baghdad, has been a stage for acts of violence and armed operations that destabilized conditions in the predominantly Sunni province of al-Anbar since 2004 before the sahwa (awakening) tribal forces flushed the Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) network operatives out of the province. Anbar, whose capital city is Ramadi, lies 110 km west of Baghdad. AmR (P) 1