Saturday, September 21, 2024


US conducts new airstrikes against ISIL in Syria

US conducts new airstrikes against ISIL in Syria

Baghdad ( New airstrikes targeting ISIL militants in Syria were conducted overnight, a U.S. official said.

There were a total of two airstrikes in Syria overnight along the border with Iraq. Four other airstrikes were conducted in Iraq, the official said.

These fresh airstrikes followed the U.S.-led coalition hitting ISIS targets in Syria on Monday.

Fighter aircraft from Jordan, the UAE, Bahrain and KSA participated in Monday night’s airstrikes, Qatar played a supporting role in the airstrikes. The overwhelming majority of the munitions dropped over Syria in the airstrikes were from U.S. aircraft.

Monday’s airstrikes also targeted the Khorasan Group, an offshoot of al-Qaeda that has concerned U.S. security officials because of its plans to conduct attacks against the U.S. /End/