Saturday, September 21, 2024


Sticky bomb defused in Falluja

ANBAR / Police forces defused a sticky bomb attached to the car of a Sahwa (Awakening) tribal forces commander in Garmatal-Falluja, eastern Falluja district, a security source said Saturday. “After recognizing a strange object in the car of Sheikh Jashaam Dalaf, a commander of Sahwa forces in Garmatal-Falluja, a force rushed to the site to dismantle it,” Lt. Colonel Hatif Mohammed told nnews agency. “The object was found to be a sticky improvised explosive device (IED),” he said. “The explosive charge went off while the police was attempting to defuse it but left no casualties,” he added. “Dalaf’s car was damaged,” he noted. Falluja, the largest city in the predominantly Sunni province of al-Anbar, lies 45 km west of Baghdad. MH (P)/AmR 1