Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraqi Army accidentally air dropped food and water to ISIS instead of besieged soldiers of Saqlawiyah

File photo of food and water supplies being discharged by a cargo air craft. Image credit Iraqi Ministry of Defense.
File photo of food and water supplies being discharged by a cargo air craft. Image credit Iraqi Ministry of Defense.

Baghdad ( Iraqi authorities have opened an investigation into claims that Iraqi planes accidentally dropped food aid to ISIS positions in Saqlawiyah instead of Iraqi army positions that were under siege on the 19th of September.

The network NBC quoted this information from a member of the Iraqi committee of security and defense, MP Hakim Zamili, who pointed out that Iraqi forces in Saqlawiyah were encircled by ISIS fighters and in dire need of supplies. Due to errors in military planning and a lack of experienced pilots ISIS received most of the airlifted water and food, rather than the trapped soldiers.

An Iraqi official confirmed the information of Zamili, and attributed the cause of this error to the fact that the pilots who participated in these operations lacked sufficient experience.