Friday, September 20, 2024


Alan Henning’s brother urges Britain to fight ISIS with ground troops

British aid worker Alan Henning
British aid worker Alan Henning

London ( On Tuesday the brother of the executed aid worker Alan Henning said that Britain should send in ground troops to fight the extremist militants who have taken control of large expanses of territories of Iraq and Syria.

ISIS militants beheaded the 47-year-old British aid worker Alan Henning and other Western hostages on the back of Britain carrying out air strikes against ISIS targets in Iraq.

Reg Henning told the BBC today that the only way to end the killing of hostages is to deploy soldiers on the ground. “We need to send ground troops in or forces in to find out where these monsters are and bring them to justice,” he said. “The sooner we do it, the sooner the killing stops.”

It is worth noting that, the extremist group is holding more Western hostages including the British journalist John Cantlie, who has previously appeared in three ISIS videos.

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