Saturday, September 28, 2024


NYT: Erdogan plays a dangerous game, refusing to help Kobani

Turkey's President Recep Erdogen. File photo.
Turkey’s President Recep Erdogen. File photo.

Baghdad ( On Thursday the New York Times criticized Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s dangerous game for refusing to intervene and help Kurdish fighters in the Syrian town of Kobani.

It said President Erdogan’s decision to stand passively on the sidelines, refusing to help the Kurdish fighters was of his will to force the United States to help him oust Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria.

President Erdogan agrees that ground intervention is necessary to defeat ISIS, but Erdogan has said, unless the US government provides more support to the Syrian rebels and help creating a secure no-fly zone to block the Syrian fighter jets as well as buffer zone near the Turkish border to shelter the Syrian refugees who fled from death.

Erdogan’s indecision in helping Kurdish fighters in northern Syria has enraged Turkey’s Kurdish minority, but Ankara fears that defending Kobani would strengthen the Syrian Kurds who seek autonomy like their Kurdish brethren in Iraq. But the government forgets, that if Kobani falls, the Kurdish minority’s fury will undoubtedly grow.

Noteworthy, the Kurdish minority in Turkey has staged protests against the Turkish government yesterday on Wednesday, and the protests reportedly led to the deaths of 21 people.

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