Sunday, September 22, 2024


Kurdistan Regional Government PM, Mladenov discuss situation in Iraq

Kurdistan Regional Government PM, Mladenov discuss situation in Iraq

Baghdad ( The Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani said that the Kurdish parties’ agreed to join their ministers in the Federal government in Baghdad.

A statement by the Government of the region received by cited “Barzani received, last night in Erbil, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the UN to Iraq, Nikolai Miladinov and his entourage and the both sides discussed the political process in Iraq and the importance of joining the Minister of the Kurdistan Region in the federal government.”

The statement added, “The two sides discussed the movement of terrorists, and the latest security developments, and the events in Syria in general and the city of Kobane in particular and activities of the international coalition against terrorism and the Peshmerga forces’ role in fighting the terrorists.”

The two sides, according to the statement, confirmed “the need to continue and expand military aid and sending arms and ammunition to the Peshmerga forces. Adding that, the Prime Minister of Kurdistan emphasized that the Kurdistan Regional Government needs heavy weapons, training and rehabilitation of the Peshmerga in order to better its capabilities in fighting with terrorism.”

The two sides focused on the situation of displaced people in Kurdistan and agreed on “the need for continued assistance from the international community, because the winter on the doors where the situation will be more difficult and complex and will lead to the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in their camps with limited possibilities of the government of the region.

The President of the provincial government confirmed that the Kurd Ministers will begin their duties in Baghdad after a meeting with Miladinov.

For his part, Miladinov confirmed that “the Kurdistan’s meaningfully participation in Iraq’s government would enhance the success of the political process in Iraq. / End