Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Nijaifi, Mladenov discuss political situation, file of displaced citizens

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) Vice President Osama Nijaifi discussed on Tuesday with Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq Nikolai Mladenov the political and security situation and the file of displaced people.

A statement by the Nijaifi’s office received by IraqiNews.com cited “Nijaifi stressed, during the meeting, the importance of the international coalition in the face of terrorist gangs, and the necessity of activating its role to reach conclusive results, as the ISIL does not threaten Iraq only, but also threatens the region and the international community.”

“They discussed the subject of the National Guard and the ability it offers by the involvement of the citizens in all provinces in the fight against terrorism and the protection of their provinces from any potential threat as well as being a strong support to the armed forces when needed,” the statement added.

“At the conclusion of the meeting, Mladenov promised to follow up the files discussed with the Vice President of the Republic, and taking note of the efforts made in this regard,” according to the statement./End/