Tuesday, September 24, 2024


FM, Mladenov discuss results of international conferences on Iraq

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) Foreign Minister, Ibrahim al-Jaafary discussed with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Nikolai Mladenov developments on the Iraqi arena and the region and assess the decisions of international meetings held in Jeddah, Paris and New York, which saw international crowd broad to assist Iraq in its war against the Islamic State group and rebuild its infrastructure.

A statement the Jaafary’s office received by Iraqi News cited “Mladenov praised, during the meeting, the efforts made by al-Jaafary in the formation of the government and his performance, while the assumption the Ministry Of Foreign Affairs and build bridges and establish relations with various countries of the world, especially the neighboring countries.”

“For his part, al-Jaafary confirmed that “Iraq needs the help of the United Nations and friendly countries in its war against the ISIL, praising the efforts being made by many countries to support Iraq and to provide humanitarian assistance to the displaced families in areas that are seeing military confrontations against terrorist organizations,” the statement continued.

“Jaafary also praised Ladino’s speech at the meeting of the Security Council held in New York last month, which included a review of the tragedies suffered by the Iraqi people caused by terrorist acts, pointing out that Iraq is a rich country but passes exceptional circumstances,” the statement concluded. /End/