Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Iran dennounces Karbala terrorist bombings

Iran dennounces Karbala terrorist bombings

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham on Monday deplored terrorist bombings in Iraq, calling for measures by the international community to end the crimes against humanity by the terrorist bombings.

Afkham expressed grief at deaths of innocent people by the blind terrorism.

Shesympathized with Iraqi government and nation, especially the bereaved families for losing their loved ones.

Afkhamsaid the Islamic Republic of Iran strongly supports the Iraqi government and nation in campaign against terrorism.

The Islamic Republic of Iran calls for national unity and solidarity among different Iraqi tribes and the strong determination of Iraqi government and nation and army to seriously confront terrorism, she said.

The spokeswoman saidIran believes that the Iraqi security forces must take legal action against the agents aiming to divide the Iraqi nation.

She urged the international community to condemn new round of terrorist operations and bombings in various Iraqi cities./End/