Saturday, September 21, 2024


Palestinian member of ISIS killed in Iraq, family raises ISIS flag in Gaza

Palestinian members of ISIS training for combat. Image credit Twitter account @DAWLA_GAZA
Palestinian members of ISIS training for combat. Image credit Twitter account @DAWLA_GAZA

Baghdad ( On Saturday a Palestinian family in the Gaza Strip announced that their son, Mousa Hijazi, was killed by Iraqi security forces while fighting in the ranks of ISIS in Fallujah, Iraq.

The father, Said Hassan Hijazi, stated for Anadolu News Agency that his son, 23 year old Mousa Hijazi was killed on Friday during clashes with Iraqi security forces who carried out an offensive operation against ISIS militants in al-Fallujah. He declined to discuss the circumstances of his son’s affiliation with ISIS and how he exited Gaza to join its ranks.

Mousa ’s family raised the ISIS flag over the house where they will receive mourners.

Several accounts on Twitter belonging to ISIS have also announced the death of Mousa Hegazi, known as Abu Mo’em al-Maqdesi during clashes in Fallujah. The accounts have stated that he “emigrated from the Gaza Strip, to join the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, to fight in its ranks.”

The ISIS account “Muslim sword” Tweeted “The martyrdom of Mousa Hijazi, (Abu al-Maqdisi believer), in an operation in Fallujah.”

Accurate information about the numbers of Palestinians who are fighting in the ranks of Jihadist organizations in Syria and Iraq are not available.

In May a Palestinian from Jabalya refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip was killed while fighting for ISIS in Iraq.