Sunday, September 22, 2024


Peshmerga forces arrive in Turkey on their way to Ain Arab “Kobanî”

Representational file photo
Representational file photo

( A group of Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga forces arrived in Turkey on their way to reinforce fighters defending the town of Ain Arab “Kobanî”, which is blockaded by the so-called Islamic state in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) on the Syrian side of the Turkish border.

On Wednesday, Anatolia Agency reported that “the Peshmerga forces arrived to Şanlıurfa Airport in the south of Turkey in the early dawn, coming from Erbil airport in northern Iraq.”

According to the agency, the elements of the Peshmerga move by buses to the Turkish border town of Suruj, while the Turkish security forces have secured the progress of the convoy route and prevented journalists from following it.