Friday, September 20, 2024


Local firm to build trade mall in Samawa

MUTHANNA / The Iraq National Investment Commission granted a license to a local firm to build a trade mall in the city of al-Samawa at a cost of 11.7 billion Iraqi dinars ($10 million), the INIC chief in al-Muthanna said on Sunday. “The license was granted to Abdulreda Khurshed Group for International Trade & Contracting with all facilities necessary to set up the project,” Adel Dakhil Mohammed told news agency. “The project, hopefully to take six months to finalize, will include offices, stores, headquarters of trade & contracting firms and other utilities,” he said. Meanwhile, an official said an INIC delegation paid a visit to the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur last week to discuss means to attract Malaysian and Asian investments to the province of al-Muthanna. Samawa, the capital city of Muthanna, lies 280 km south of Baghdad. AmR (P)/SR 1