Sunday, September 22, 2024


Presidency denies intention to issue private amnesty for murderer of Journalist Bidaiwi

Presidency denies intention to issue private amnesty for murderer of Journalist Bidaiwi

Baghdad ( The Presidency denied the intention of the President, Fuad Masoum, to issue a private amnesty for the Kurdish officer convicted for killing Journalist Mohammed al-Bidaiwi.

A presidential statement received by cited “Some reports attributed statements to MP, Ala’a Talabani, over Masoum’s intention to issue a private amnesty on Lieutenant Ahmed Mustafa, the officer within the Peshmerga forces convicted for killing Journalist Bidaiwi.”

“We would like to show that these reports are groundless where the constitutional mechanism for issuing the private amnesty cannot be violated by including Mustafa in this decision,” the statement concluded. /End/