Saturday, September 21, 2024


We need a new mandate from Congress for the campaign against ISIS, says Obama

The American President Barack Obama
The American President Barack Obama


( US President Barack Obama announced that he seeks for a new mandate from Congress for the American military campaign against militants of the so-called Islamic state in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), adopting a new method to get the support of Congress to fight the terrorist organization.

Obama made the announcement at a news conference after his Democratic Party suffered a great loss in the midterm elections on Tuesday. It resulted in the dominance of the Republicans over the Senate.

Obama said, “The world needs to know that we are united behind this effort and that the members of our military both men and women deserve clear and unified support.”

The US administration—since the start of the campaign against ISIS in August— has been saying that it has a mandate to act against ISIS, in accordance to the mandates approved by Congress after the September 11 attacks on America and before the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Obama said, “We now have an enemy of a different kind, thus a different strategy and a partnership with Iraq, Gulf states and the international coalition should be established.”