Friday, September 20, 2024


IFA, coach Shakir conclude 3 year contract

IFA, coach Shakir conclude 3 year contract

Baghdad ( The Iraqi Football Association presented for media on Thursday the head coach for the Iraqi Football National Team, Hakim Shakir, after renewing his contract to lead the national team for the coming three years.

Reporter of said after attending the press conference held by IFA “IFA and coach Shakir agreed to renew the contract of training the national team for the three coming years.”

Head of IFA, Abdul Khaliq Masoud, revealed that “The value of the contract is IQD 450 million, where the first payment is IQD 210 million delivered to coach Shakir, while the rest of the payments will be paid as monthly salaries of IQD 20 million.”

Masoud added “The contract has started from last September 9th, 2014 and ends on September 9th, 2017.” /End/