Friday, September 20, 2024


URGENT: Iraqi forces break ISIS siege on Baiji refinery


Baiji ( On Saturday, the Iraqi forces managed to lift the blockade imposed by the ISIS fighters on the Baiji refinery, the largest oil refinery in the country, according to Iraqi officials.

The governor of Salah al-Din, Raed al-Jubouri said, in an interview for AFP followed by, “The Iraqi forces arrived to one of the refinery’s gates, after restoring control of the city of Baiji (200 kilometers) north of Baghdad.”

Three officers in the army and the police confirmed that the siege over the Baiji oil refinery—which was producing 300.000 oil barrels per day and providing about 50% of the consumer need for Iraq—had been lifted.

Baiji is the first city that the Iraqi forces managed to restore, backed by the international coalition air strikes.