Friday, September 20, 2024


URGENT: ISIS beheads Peter Kassig and threatens Washington


( On Sunday the organization of the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) released a video which shows the beheaded American hostage Peter Kassig, in parallel with the beheading of more than 18 members of the Syrian Regular Army.

Peter Kassig is a 26 year old US soldier who served in Iraq, before converting to Islam and establishing a humanitarian organization called ‘Special Emergency Response and Assistance’ in 2012.

Kassig is the third US hostage to be executed by ISIS, after James Foley and Stephen Sotloff. That is in addition to the two Britons who served in the humanitarian field who also met the same tragic fate.


Also in the video, the ISIS member known as ‘Jihadi John’, in his strong British accent, threatens American soldiers to face a similar fate, in response to air strikes by the coalition led by Washington against the “Islamic State.”

The CIA hads been working to verify the video and ascertain whether Peter Kassig is dead after ISIS kidnapped him in 2013.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls condemned the execution of the American civil hostage, considering it a new “barbarian” act. He said that he received the news about the execution of the American hostage and the Syrians soldiers in horror.

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