Sunday, September 22, 2024


Hagel confirms plan to speed up training Iraqi Security Forces

Hagel confirms plan to speed up training Iraqi Security Forces

Baghdad ( Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Sunday that the U.S. military is accelerating its efforts to train and advise Iraqi forces fighting ISIL militants.

Hagel said U.S. special operations troops in Iraq’s western Anbar province are getting an early start on the train-and-advise effort. He said the effort began a few days ago, but did not provide details.

The Pentagon chief spoke to reporters after observing Army training in California’s Mojave Desert.

According to plans laid out last week, the U.S. expects to train nine Iraqi security forces brigades and three Kurdish Peshmerga brigades.

Hagel said the speed-up was recommended by Gen. Lloyd Austin, the commander of U.S. Central Command.

Hagel’s spokesman, Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby, said later that Austin believes getting an early start on training Iraqi forces in Anbar may prompt other countries with a stake in the fight against Islamic State to commit trainers to Iraq.