Sunday, September 22, 2024


URGENT: US ratifies a $600 million dollar military deal with Iraq


( On Tuesday, the United States announced its ratification of military equipment sale to Iraq valued at 600 million US dollars under the Foreign Military Sales program.

US Defense Department said in a report released today, and followed by, “US State Department approved the sale of military equipment to Iraq, valued at 600 million US dollars (equivalent to 720 billion Iraqi dinars), under the Foreign Military Sales program .”

US Defense Department explained that, “the Iraqi government requested military sale deals under the Cooperative Logistics Supply Support Arrangement (CLSSA),” indicating that, “the deal includes the provision of spare parts for M1A1 tanks, and spare parts for tactical transport truck model M1070. That’s in addition to multipurpose vehicles and wheels, as well as spare parts for heavy and light machine guns and related services.”