Sunday, September 29, 2024


Kurdistan Regional Government pumps Kirkuk oil into Turkey, says Abdul Mahdi

Kurdistan Regional Government pumps Kirkuk oil into Turkey, says Abdul Mahdi

Follow -Up ( The Iraqi Oil Minister Adil Abdul Mahdi assured on Thursday “The Iraqi oil extracted from Kirkuk oil fields is now pumped through the oil pipes and infrastructure built by the Kurdistan Regional Government through the Turkish territories after concluding the an agreement between Baghdad Government and the Kurdistan Regional Government last week to end a long dispute over oil revenues.”

Abdul Mahdi said “150,000 oil barrels that include some oil produced from Kirkuk oil fields have been transported into the Turkish sea ports,” noting that “The Iraqi Government approved these procedures as a good will initiative.”

He confirmed that “The majority of this amount of oil is produced from Kirkuk oil fields which are controlled by the Kurds.” /End/