Saturday, September 21, 2024


IFA: Kahraba FC Vs. Naft al-Wasat FC, Najaf Vs. Amanat Baghdad FC on Tuesday

IFA: Kahraba FC Vs. Naft al-Wasat FC, Najaf Vs. Amanat Baghdad FC on Tuesday

Baghdad ( The Committee of Competitions within the Iraqi Football Association set dates for three postponed football matches within the Iraqi Premier Football League on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The chairman of the Competitions Committee within IFA, Shihab Ahmed, told “On Tuesday, Kahraba FC will play versus Naft al-Wasat FC on Naft stadium while Najaf FC will play Amanat Baghdad FC.”

He added “Next Wednesday, Minaa FC will play versus Dohouk FC on Minaa stadium.” /End/