Friday, September 20, 2024


URGENT: ISIS stones two gay men to death

 URGENT: ISIS stones two gay men to death


( Deir al-Zour – On Wednesday, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that, the ISIS group had stoned to death a 20-year-old man after claimed to have found evidence that he was gay.

ISIS militants claimed they’ve found videos evidence in the 20-year-old youth’s mobile phone, and stoned him to death in a public area in Deir al-Zour near the border with Iraq.

According to the Syrian Observatory, the group had also stoned to death another male, aged about 18-year-old in the city of Deir al-Zour after claiming he was gay. Activists in the city reportedly believe the two incidents are related, and that the ISIS group is using homosexuality as a pretext to kill opposed men.