Friday, September 20, 2024


USA to deploy A-10 Thunderbolt aircrafts in anti-ISIS operations

An A-10 Thunderbolt  aircraft
An A-10 Thunderbolt aircraft

( On Thursday, the U.S. Air Force Central Command announced, that the A-10 low-flying aircraft is going to take role in the US-led operations against the ISIS group in Iraq.

According to a report by the International Business Times, a number of A-10 Thunderbolt air crafts will be deployed to take role in the operations against the ISIS group in Iraq. U.S Air Force Central Command hasn’t revealed where the A-10s will be stationed due to diplomatic sensitivities in the region.

A-10 is a low-flying aircraft, also known as the Warthog. It offers powerful ground support for ground troops, which the coalition’s other aircrafts that have to fly higher and faster, cannot provide.