Sunday, September 29, 2024


Pope: Islamists are committing a great sin against the Lord in Syria and Iraq

Pope Francis I
Pope Francis I

( On Sunday, Pope Francis I said that “radical Islamists” are committing “a great sin against the Lord” in Syria and Iraq, calling for dialogue between religions and a move to the fight against poverty to help end conflicts there.

The pope spoke  at the last day of his trip to Turkey, which is home to two million refugees from Syria, including thousands of Christians.

During a joint Mass with Patriarch Bartholomew, the spiritual leader of three hundred million Orthodox Christians, Pope Francis said, “The followers of all faiths cannot continue to ignore the cries of the victims of war and inhumane atrocities that occur nearby.”

He also said, “Stealing peace from people and committing all these acts of violence or acceptance of such acts, especially against the most vulnerable and helpless, is a great sin against God.”