Saturday, September 28, 2024


Abadi: There are parties trying to isolate Iraq from the world

The  Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi
The Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi

( On Thursday, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi claimed there exists some parties that are trying to sabotage Iraq’s relationship with neighboring countries in order to isolate it from the world, and called the international coalition to eliminate the ISIS organization in Syria, pointing out that the recent situations had reflected negatively on Iraq.

Abadi said in an exclusive interview with the official Iraqi channel, followed by, “There are attempts by some parties aiming at affecting Iraq’s relations with neighboring countries and pushing to limit the international support to us,” pointing out that, “These parties attempt to destroy Iraq and isolate it from countries of the world.”

Abadi added, “To liberate of our lands without working out the issues in Syria properly, the situation will never change,” calling  the international coalition to eliminate ISIS in Syria because these situation will reflect badly on Iraq.