Friday, September 20, 2024


Governor of Salahuddin denies ISIS control on Baiji

The governor of Salah al-Din province Raed Ibrahim al-Jubouri
The governor of Salah al-Din province Raed Ibrahim al-Jubouri

( On Thursday, the governor of Salahuddin province, Raed Ibrahim al-Jubouri denied the control of ISIS elements on Baiji, emphasizing that the army aviation has inflicted great losses on the organization.

Jubouri said in a statement for a number of media platforms, including, “The news reported in some media on restoring Baiji (40 km north of Tikrit) by the organization ISIS is not correct.”

Jubouri said, “The army aviation has inflicted great losses upon the ISIS organization by air strikes targeted its elements northern of the district”, noting that, “The security forces regained control over the areas of the district.”

Local and foreign media mentioned earlier that ISIS had regained control over parts of the Baiji (40 km north of Tikrit), while confirmed that regular Iraqi forces retreated after running out of its weapons and equipment.


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