Saturday, September 21, 2024


Kurdish Peshmerga forces sieze large areas of Sinjar without ISIS resistance


( On Friday, the leadership of the Peshmerga forces announced that it was able to seize large areas of Sinjar district, west of Mosul, without resistance from the militants of the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), indicating that Peshmerga plans to restore the district center.

Mount Sinjar forces commander Brigadier Ashti Kocher said in an interview for, “Peshmerga forces seized the areas of Kohpl, Zorava, Dhola and the of center Sanoni, which are located in Sinjar district,” adding that, “Peshmerga also now control Trepca area, located on the border with Syria.”

Kocher confirmed that, “This region is controlled without resistance from ISIS militants; they are in complete moral collapse,” pointing out that, “Peshmerga plan to regain control of the center Sinjar district.”