Saturday, September 28, 2024


Abadi congratulates Christians on New Year Celebrations

Baghdad ( The Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi, congratulated Christian citizens on the New Year celebrations.

A statement by his office received by cited “To mark thebirthof Jesus Christand the New Year, we express our deepestcongratulations andbest wishesto our Christian brothersin Iraq and around the world, wishing themsecurity, stability andprosperity for the coming year,andhoping thatChristiansand allIraqis enjoy securityandfreedomamong their familiesandfellow countrymen.”

“Thecelebrationsthis yearcome in light ofa decisive confrontationwith Daeshterroristswho have targetedallthe Iraqi peoplefromdifferent religions, ethnicitiesand sects. Throughout this confrontation, which is not limited to Iraq alone, theChristian communities in Iraq haveproven that they areloyal sons of our country,in spite of the aggressionanddisplacementthey have ensured at the hands ofcriminalterroristgangsthat seek to destroy our social fabric and undermine peaceful co-existenceinthe land of Mesopotamia, acivilizationthat was buildon religiouspluralism and intellectual and culturaldiversity throughout itshistory,” the statement mentioned.

“As weaffirmour determination to ensure that Christians remain ourbrothers and partners in the rebuildingofIraq, we pledge to them ourutmost effortsto achieve this goaland to cleanse all Iraqi towns from Daesh so that all displaced people can return to their homes in dignity and with their constitutional rights and freedoms intact,” he continued.

“On this occasion, we note thatthe criminalgangs of Daesh havedistorted the image ofIslam and Muslimsand the principles of our sacred religion that is based onlove, tolerance andcompassion,” he added.

“We renew ourbest wishes to ourChristianbrothersand to allthe Iraqipeople,” he concluded. /End/