Saturday, September 21, 2024


Kurdish Peshmerga forces foil ISIS chemical attack in Sinjar


( On Saturday, commander of Peshmerga forces in Sinjar, Qasim Chicho announced that an ISIS chemical attack on the district (north-west of Mosul) was foiled.

He said in a statement to the official website of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, followed by Iraqi,”ISIS terrorists sent a car bomb toward the Peshmerga forces in Chenkal to blow it up, but the Peshmerga forces managed to blow up the car before it arrived to them,” adding that, “It appeared later that the terrorists had used toxic chemical materials in their explosives that were emplaced inside the vehicle. ”

He added, “The terrorists brought overnight a car to the area near Harran compound to be directed to where the Peshmerga forces were stationed, but our troops blew up the car before it arrived without any causalities,” explaining that, “ISIS used poisonous gas and chemicals in its explosives that were emplaced in the car, but they were not effective enough to harm our troops.”