Friday, September 20, 2024


Washington denies its airdropped aids for ISIS near Balad


( On Monday, U.S. embassy in Baghdad denied that military aid was dropped for the ISIS organization by one of its aircrafts in Khidra area near Balad district northwest of Baghdad.

The embassy said in a statement received by, “United States did not air-drop any material around the airspace of Balad district,” pointing out that “Those are just media reports.”

The embassy added, “United States supports the government of Iraq, the Iraqi people against violent extremists, and the continual progress toward building a unified Iraq.”

Noteworthy, a number of local media published on 26 December 2014 video footage showing one of the international coalitions aircrafts against ISIS dropping a balloon, of which content remains unknown until now, on Khidra area (south-east of of Salahuddin).


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