Friday, September 20, 2024


Security forces remove 4,000 explosives from Jurf al-Nasr


Babel ( On Monday, a source within the police force in Babel province said, that more than 4,000 explosives have been removed from the area of Jurf al-Nasr (Jurf al-Sakhr).

The commander of Babel police, Riyad Abdul-Amir al-Khikani stated today, “The special police engineers have managed to remove 4,000 explosive devices and mines planted between the roads, houses and palm trees in Jurf al-Nasr,” adding that, “The security forces began cleaning the area shortly after it was liberated since more than two months ago.”

Khikani also noted, “The security elements have found lots of weapons hidden by the ISIS group fighters in a ditch.”


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