Saturday, September 21, 2024


URGENT: Unknown aircrafts drop weapons to ISIS southeast of Tikrit


( On Saturday, the  Security Committee in the Council of Salahuddin province revealed that unidentified aircrafts dropped weapons and equipment for ISIS southeast of Tikrit, indicating that there are countries that want to keep Iraq under the ISIS occupation.

Committee Chairman Jassim Al Jabara said in an interview for , “Our sources of intelligence received reports that unidentified aircrafts dropped weapons and munitions to the ISIS organization near Dour district (25 km south-east of Tikrit).”

Jabara added “This is not the first time ; an unknown aircraft dropped weapons and munitions to ISIS in Yathrib area south of Tikrit, several areas in Salahuddin, and in Mosul,” adding that, “We do not know to which source those aircrafts belong yet.”

Jabara continued, “There are countries that seek to keep Iraq under the ISIS occupation, and want to keep terrorism in Iraq by perpetuating the war through the fuel prices, and by providing terrorists with weapons and gear, after the victories achieved by security forces and the people,” pointing out that, “Our battle continues and its goal is victory.”


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