Monday, September 23, 2024


Diwaniya Government calls for holding CoM’s meeting in Diwaniya

Diwaniya ( Diwaniya Provincial Council demanded on Monday to hold a meeting for the Council of Ministers in Diwaniya province to discuss the problems facing the province.

Chairman of Diwaniya PC, Jubair Salman al-Jubouri, said in a press conference attended by on Monday “Diwaniya PC demands the Central Government to treat the second poorest province in Iraq which is Diwaniya fairly since Diwaniya has been suffering from deprivation for a long time.”

“Members of Diwaniya PC discussed with representatives of Diwaniya at the Parliament allocations of Diwaniya at the General Budget and found it necessary to pressurize the Federal Government to increase the financial allocations for Diwaniya,” Jubouri added. /End/