Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Armed attack injures 3 in Mosul

NINEWA / IraqiNews.com: Three persons were wounded on Thursday when gunmen threw a hand grenade at an Iraqi army vehicle patrol in northern Mosul, a police source said. “Unknown gunmen on Thursday (May 21) threw a hand grenade on an Iraqi army vehicle patrol in al-Majmouaa al-Thaqafiya region in northern Mosul, injuring three people, including two soldiers,” the source told IraqiNews.com news agency. A cameraman from al-Mosuliya channel told IraqiNews.com news agency that Iraqi soldiers beat him while covering the armed attack on them, noting that they confiscated his camera. Mosul, the capital of Ninewa, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. SH (P)/SR 1