Saturday, September 21, 2024


US-led Coalition launches new airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq, Syria

US-led Coalition launches new airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq, Syria

Baghdad ( American-led forces launched 19 air strikes against Islamic State (Isis) militants in Syria and Iraq, the US military said on Sunday.

Of the 10 air strikes in Syria, nine hit Isis targets near the town of Kobani on the Turkish border, a statement said. The other Syria strike hit an Isis position near Albu Kamal, close to Iraq.

The nine air strikes inside Iraq hit Isis forces near Erbil, Mosul, Sinjar and al Asad, the statement said. All the air strikes took place between Saturday morning and Sunday morning.

Also on Sunday, a video was released in which Amedy Coulibaly, one of the gunmen killed by French police after terrorist attacks which claimed 17 lives this week, appears to claim allegiance to Isis. In Lebanon, the interior minister said a double suicide attack that killed eight people at a cafe in Tripoli was carried out by Isis.

The US military also said the coalition carried out 15 strikes in Syria and Iraq between Friday and Saturday.

Strikes began in Iraq on 8 August and in Syria on 23 September. Isis militants control large swathes of territory in both countries.