Friday, September 20, 2024


French Lawmakers Vote to Continue Air Strikes in Iraq

French Lawmakers Vote to Continue Air Strikes in Iraq

Baghdad ( The French Parliament on Tuesday overwhelmingly voted in favour of continuing military action in Iraq, as part of the international coalition targeting Islamic State in the country.

The first vote in the lower house was approved 488 – 1, whilst the senate rubber stamped the decision with 327 in favour and none against.

The one lawmaker against the proposal claimed that the situation on the ground was improving, and further air strikes would only serve to radicalise yet more Muslims within France.

The country is still coming to terms with the attacks on the Paris offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, committed by brothers claiming allegiance to al-Qaeda in Yemen, while an acquaintance of theirs killed hostages and a policewoman in a kosher supermarket in the city.

A total of 17 people died over two days last week.

France joined the aerial campaign in September and has given weapons to the Iraqi army and Kurdish Peshmerga, to aid the fight against Islamic State. As with other European members of the coalition, it is bombing targets in Iraq only./End/