Sunday, September 22, 2024


Baghdadiya TV correspondent dies from blast wounds

NINEWA / A correspondent for al-Baghdadiya TV channel died from wounds he sustained in an explosive charge attack in Mosul city earlier today, according to a local police source. “Alaa Abdulwahab died after he had been taken into the intensive care unit in al-Jumhouri Hospital in western Mosul,” the source told news agency. Earlier today, a police source from Ninewa province said that a sticky improvised explosive device (IED) targeted the vehicle of al-Baghdadiya channel correspondent in Mosul, Abdulwahab, and a sports journalist, Sultan Girgis, who was in his company, in al-Majmoua al-Thaqafiya area, northern Mosul. Mosul, the capital city of Ninewa province, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. SS (P) 1