Monday, September 23, 2024


Anbar Council: ISIS seizes area eastern of Ramadi, city in “great danger”


Al-Anbar ( On Thursday, Anbar Provincial Council warned about the fall of the city of Ramadi, after ISIS controlled large parts of an area east of city, emphasizing that it is in “great danger.”

A member in the Council, Arkan Khalaf Tarmoz informed, “The situation in Ramadi is dangerous, as ISIS advanced in Albu Ghanem area east of the city and now controls large parts of it, after violent clashes with members of the Albu Ghanem tribe.”

Tarmoz added, “The tribe fighters are facing elements of the terrorist organization on their own, without the presence of the security forces,” urging the Armed Forces’ Commander in Chief Haider Abadi and Defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi, as well as the Chairman of the Commission of Security and Parliamentary Defense Hakim al-Zamli to “intervene immediately to save the tribesmen and support them with weapons, gear and food.”

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