Friday, September 20, 2024


Pending issues with Arabia limited – amb.

BAGHDAD / Iraq’s ambassador in Riyadh said on Sunday that the outstanding issues with Saudi Arabia are “limited,” noting the joint borders between the two countries are “the most organized.” “We seek to restore normal relations with Saudi Arabia,” Ghanim al-Jemeili said in an interview with the London-based Asharq al-Awsat newspaper, published on Sunday. Jemeili is the first Iraqi ambassador to be accredited in Saudi Arabia since the closure of the embassy in 1991. He stressed the role of the neighboring countries in achieving security and stability in the region. “The improvement in security conditions should be followed by improvements in other fields such as the economy and politics, as well as reconciliation,” he said. Iraq had re-opened its embassy in Saudi Arabia in mid-February 2007. A charge d’affairs was appointed before an accredited ambassador was named in late April 2009. AmR (P)/SR 1