Friday, September 20, 2024


U.S. trains 3,600 Iraqis in four camps


( The Pentagon confirmed that the United States had begun to train 3,600 Iraqi and Kurdish forces, but had not examined and recruited the Syrian opposition yet.

‘Anatolia’ news agency reported that, “The United States and its coalition partners started training Iraqi forces in four camps across the country: Taji, Ain al-Assad base, Basmaya and Erbil camps.”

Pentagon Press Secretary, John Kirby said, “The four camps have trainees, and training operations are ongoing in all camps.”

“The number of ISIS fighters ranges between 20 000 and 30 000 fighters; it varies continuously according to the ongoing changes in the ranks of the terrorist organization,” Kirby added.

The number of trainees in Erbil is 100 fighters of Peshmerga, while 600 fighters are being trained in Ain al-Assad base, 1,600 in Taji camp, and 1300 in Basmaya camp.