Sunday, September 29, 2024


US-led Coalition conducts new airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq, Syria

US-led Coalition conducts new airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq, Syria

Baghdad ( The US and its partner nations launched 13 air strikes near Kobani, Syria, in the last 24 hours, the US military said on Wednesday morning, as they continued their air assault to help drive the last Islamic State (Isis) forces out of city.

The strikes around Kobani hit 12 Isis tactical units and a vehicle, and destroyed nine fighting positions, a staging area and three buildings, the Combined Joint Task Force said in a statement.




The Pentagon said this week the militants had been driven out of 90% of Kobani, a city near the border with Turkey where fighting has raged for four months.




The six air strikes in northern Iraq, where Isis has seized swaths of territory, targeted al-Asad, Kirkuk, Mosul and Sinjar, hitting tactical units, a checkpoint, six buildings and six shipping containers, the taskforce said.

Strikes began in Iraq on 8 August and in Syria on 23 September. /E