Sunday, September 22, 2024


Central govt to distribute its employees’ salaries every 40 days, says Barzani

The Prime Minister of Kurdistan, Nechirvan Barzani
The Prime Minister of Kurdistan, Nechirvan Barzani


( On Monday, president the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani revealed the central government’s intention to distribute employees’ salaries every 40 days, attributing that to the economic crisis experienced by the country.

Barzani said in a press conference held at the Ministry of the Kurdistan Regional Electricity headquarters in Erbil, attended by that, “The central government intends to distribute its employees’ salaries every 40 days,” attributing the reason to “the economic crisis experienced by the country.”

“The decision has not been officially announced yet,” Barzani added.

An informed source revealed on Sunday evening (February 15, 2015) that the meeting held in Baghdad between the central government and the Kurdistan region had ended without result, pointing out that the Kurdish delegation had headed to Erbil.

Noteworthy, the House of Representatives voted on Thursday (January 29, 2015) for the federal budget draft for the current year estimated at 119 trillion dinars and a deficit of about 25 trillion.


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