Friday, September 27, 2024


Parliamentary Finance confirms issuance of formal letter to distribute employees’ salaries every 40 days


( A Parliamentary Finance Committee member announced Tuesday, that an official letter was issued by the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers includes a decision to distribute employees’ salaries every 40 days, indicating that the Council of Ministers will discuss this decision in its meeting today.

Masood Haider said in an interview for, “I received from my own sources a copy of an official letter issued by the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers that includes a the board’s decision to distribute the employees’ salaries every 40 days,” noting that, “The decision was made on February 10th, and signed by Dr. Hamid Ahmed Khalaf, Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers.”

Haider added, “This decision will be discussed in the Cabinet meeting that will be held today for the purpose of discussion,” pointing out that, “The Council of Ministers decided in its sixth regular meeting held on February 10, 2015, that the Ministry of Finance will pay all state employees’ salaries by a delay of ten days each month and to repeat the process every month until the availability of sufficient funds.”

Head of Iraq’s Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani revealed on Monday (February 16, 2015) the central government’s intention to distribute its employees’ salaries every 40 days, and attributed this to the economic crisis experienced by the country.


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