Sunday, September 22, 2024


Entry of any force into Kirkuk must be approved by provincial council, says Peshmerga


( On Tuesday, the Ministry of Peshmerga stressed out the importance of the approval of Kirkuk Provincial Council for the entry of any military force.

Ministry’s spokesman, Jabbar Yawar said in an interview for, “A security meeting was held in the province of Kirkuk today, and headed by Massoud Barzani; where topics such as the security situation in the province and the support of Peshmerga and other sectors that contribute to the security of Kirkuk had been discussed.”

Yawar pointed out to the necessity for any force, either from the Iraqi Army or the tribes or the volunteer fighters, to get the approval of the provincial council and its security commission, because those forces operate within the US-led international coalition to fight ISIS and thwart its plans in Iraq.”

President of the Kurdistan region Massoud Barzani arrived on Tuesday to Kirkuk and held a meeting with the governor of Kirkuk to discuss the security situation in the province.