Sunday, September 29, 2024


Washington: Mosul to be retrieved in Ramadan, fears from summertime


( Officials in the Central Command of US Army revealed on Friday, that the United States and Iraqi forces are planning to recover the city of Mosul by next Ramadan, and expressed their fears from the problems and obstacles they might face during the summertime, pointing out that the the attacking forces will consist of about 20-25 thousand fighters, while called the Iraqi forces to prepare within the specified time frame.

Officials in the Central Command of the US military said in a press statement followed by IraqiNews that the operation to recover the city of Mosul from ISIS might be implemented in next April or May.”

The American officials added that the main attacking force will consist of five brigades of the Iraqi Army; they will have completed their training in the US sites before leading the military operation to recover the city, arguing that “the rest forces participating in the operation, include three brigades from the Kurdish Peshmerga forces, will help in attacking ISIS from the northern part of Mosul and to isolate it from the West.”