Monday, September 30, 2024


ISIS offers to hand over Kurdish fighters bodies in exchange for $20,000 for each


( On Sunday, a German newspaper stated that the ISIS organization offered to hand over the bodies of Kurdish fighters killed in the fights against it in exchange for 10 to 20 thousand dollars for each body, indicating that this confirms that the organization is facing financial problems.

The German newspaper ‘Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung’ wrote in a report followed by IraqiNews, “ISIS has been suffering from financial problems, and it offered to hand over the bodies of Kurdish fighters killed in the fights against it in exchange for money.”

The newspaper quoted some security sources, who refused to give out their name, as saying, “The organization seeks to deliver the bodies of those were killed in battles against it to the Kurdish forces, in exchange for sums ranging between 10 and 20 thousand dollars for each body.”

The newspaper said that it is unlikely for ISIS to be able to take advantage of these bodies by selling their organs, because it lacks the medical technology and expertise that will allow it to do so.