Monday, September 23, 2024


Talabani: Kurdistan Regional Government strictly adherent to complete Baghdad-Erbil oil agreement

Talabani: Kurdistan Regional Government strictly adherent to complete Baghdad-Erbil oil agreement

Baghdad ( Head of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan PUK’s bloc in the Iraqi Parliament, Alaa Talabani, assured that “The meeting held by the Kurdistan Regional Government on Sunday with the Kurd ministers in the Iraqi Federal Government and members of Iraqi Parliament confirmed the adherence of the Kurdistan Regional Government to implement the oil agreement with Baghdad.”

MP Talabani stated to “The attendees of the meeting stressed the importance of solving the financial crisis normally in order not to negatively affect the relations between Baghdad and Erbil.”

“The Kurdistan Regional Government confirmed that solutions for the crisis should be through dialogue and adherence to the oil agreement which obliges Baghdad to send the financial merits to the region,” she added, noting that “We realize that Iraq faces critical financial and security situations but the solutions should not be on the account of the poor employees who are waiting their salaries.” /End/