Sunday, September 22, 2024


ISJ condemns assassination of al-Baghdadiya correspondent

BAGHDAD / The Iraqi Syndicate of Journalists (ISJ) on Monday condemned the assassination of Alaa Abdulwahab, a reporter for al-Baghdadiya satellite channel, in Mosul , demanding security authorities to arrest the perpetrators. “This crime comes within the series of killing and targeting operations against Iraqi journalists wh ile doing their job in the country in a neutral fashion,” the syndicate said in a statement received by news agency. A police source had said earlier that a correspondent for al-Baghdadiya TV channel died from wounds he sustained in an explosive charge attack in Mosul city on Sunday (May 31). “Alaa Abdulwahab died after he had been taken into the intensive care unit in al-Jumhouri Hospital in western Mosul ,” the source told news agency. A police source from Ninewa province had said that a sticky improvised explosive device (IED) targeted the vehicle of al-Baghdadiya channel correspondent in Mosul , Abdulwahab, and a sports journalist, Sultan Girgis, who was in his company, in al-Majmoua al-Thaqafiya area, northern Mosul . Mosul , the capital city of Ninewa province, lies 405 km north of Baghdad . SH (P)/SR 1