Wednesday, September 25, 2024


PUK, KDP hold meeting on elections

BAGHDAD / The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) held a meeting on Monday to discuss the ongoing situation in the Kurdistan region and the latest preparations for the Kurdistan r egion elections . “ Under the auspices of Kurdistan’s President Mas s oud Barzani, the Politburos of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Kurdistan Democratic Party held a meeting in S aladin Resort,” said a PUK statement received by news agency. According to the statement issued by the meetin g , both sides discussed the ongoing situation in Kurdistan r egion and Iraq in addition to the latest developments. “ They also discussed the preparations to Kurdistan Region elections and asserted their unified stance towards the issues they discussed ,” the statement added. The two sides discussed the draft constitution of Kurdistan Region, the political situation in Kurdistan, the preparations for the third parliamentary elections and the first direct presidential electio ns in Kurdistan . SH (P)/SR 1